Acupuncture & Skin Conditions
Got Acne, Eczema or Psoriasis? Acupuncture Can Help
Our skin is our most visible organ and can often be the first thing people notice about us. If you suffer from a severe case of acne, eczema, or psoriasis, your skin care is the most important thing you think about. Over-the-counter medicine is a common first line of defense, but often the side effects are worse than the issue they are supposed to treat. continue reading
What Are Your Naturally Occurring Anti-Depressants?
Though many have it worse than others, my opinion is that states of depression are an inescapably subjective experience of our human condition, for which it is important to mitigate with naturally occurring “anti-depressants.” While Eastern and Western meds are often able to help us through difficult times, our long-term prognosis is bound to deteriorate if and when we concede full autonomy, and lose track of which little things make us (relatively) happy.
I don’t know any intelligent person who’s never experienced any degree of depression. This doesn’t mean I’m calling you dumb if you think you haven’t. In fact, there’s a good chance most of us could learn a great deal from you. But I think there is a degree of self-awareness and critical thought that lends itself to an organic vulnerability to a particular darkness that is an objective part of life, whether we focus on it or not.
I cannot make any specific recommendations, as much like Chinese Medicine, self-care is holistic—there is no one-size-fits-all. However, I thought I’d share some of the things that help me personally, in hopes of either inspiring or simply connecting with yours.
- Music: I think I came to gradually realize how well music mitigates my own sadness or frustration in correlation with becoming gradually more domesticated and doing more cooking and cleaning than I ever had before. I am not one of those people that is able to think of doing dishes as “a meditation.” It’s not relaxing for me in any way. And in spite of my food snobbery and nutritional counseling, if given the option I’d gladly prefer a personal chef. I do not love cooking. But both of these tasks fluctuate between tolerable and even enjoyable when done while listening to old school hip hop.
- Laughter: Duh, I know… but specifically the kind of laughter I get while talking to the funniest person I ever met, my brother. I recall struggling to get through last winter, taking my newborn for brisk walks around Jersey City when she refused to sleep, and a lot of the emotional duress of it being alleviated by talking the entire time to my bro.
- Running: All exercise of course, but from a Chinese Medical perspective, nothing “courses the liver qi” (modulates cortisol levels), better than just breaking out into a run. Interestingly, because of the potential challenge this places on the knees and heart if done to extreme, marathon-like excess, it is not necessarily something we condone long-term, but if we are young enough, strong enough, and stressed enough, it can be the perfect “herbal formula” for racing through difficult times.
- Caffeine: When I was first learning about holistic medicine I thought caffeine was something that I had to give up in order to heal, but through time and education I thankfully learned otherwise. For most people more than two cups per day is excessively drying and stimulating, but two cups or less can function as a helpful diuretic, purging dysbiosis not only from the gut, but the mind as well—hence the neurological boost we get. Although I try to be mindful of my quantity of caffeine, and stop by 11am, delicious hipster coffee has undoubtedly helped me through hard times.
- New York City: Throughout my life, whether flying in from out of town, looking down upon our unique skyline or just emerging from the PATH train station onto 23rd and 6th on a mundane Wednesday, every time I arrive in NYC a wave of contentment washes over me that I’ve only otherwise experienced on my second time flying into Paris. Regardless of my Taoist beliefs and environmental consciousness, I suppose in my heart and soul I am a city boy, which is important to be aware of. Know what kind of atmosphere makes you happy—be it nature in the middle of nowhere or bathed in the noisy chaos of manmade filth and humanity—and go there frequently.
I respectfully understand that none of these are cure-alls, for when we are in crisis, which is common and normal, we generally need help from other sources, whether personal, medical, or both. These are merely friendly reminders for that which are at all of our fingertips at all times, Paris notwithstanding.
To learn more about how acupuncture treats various mood disorders, please don’t hesitate to CONTACT US.
Acupuncture for Weight Loss
Most of us have those pesky few pounds that just won’t release their grip on us. We might try the latest diet or exercise trend but that weight just won’t come off. Or maybe you have more than just a little weight to lose. Rather than jump on the latest fad diet that sounds too good to be true, have you thought about trying acupuncture to lose weight? It just might be the ticket to not only losing those extra pounds but also to getting your overall health back on track. continue reading
Treating Sciatica Pain with Acupuncture
Anyone who has suffered from sciatic nerve pain can tell you it can be a very debilitating condition. It is typically caused by an impingement of the sciatic nerve in the lower back but the pain is actually felt radiating down the leg and in the buttock. There are several potential causes of sciatic pain including:
- Degenerative disc disease
- Lumbar spinal stenosis
- Spondylolisthesis
- Pregnancy
- Herniated lumbar disc (also known as a slipped disc)
Acupuncture is one of the most gentle and effective treatment options. Traditional medicine may prescribe medication to deal with the pain caused by sciatica but acupuncture is a drug-free option that treats the issue and not just the symptom. continue reading
Acupuncture for Better Circulation
Perhaps the greatest benefit of acupuncture is that this form of medicine has been practiced for thousands of years and has been specifically used to increase circulation for centuries. At the bedrock of this medicine are the techniques used to stimulate sympathetic responses resulting in blood vessel dilation and increased blood flow. Maybe a simpler way of explaining it is to say acupuncture stimulates energy pathways in the body, thus enhancing blood flow. continue reading