Natural, Effective Medicine in NYC to optimize Fertility & Healthy Pregnancy
A means not just to get pregnant, but to give you and your baby the healthiest, most perfect environment to thrive in.

Your initial consultation is FREE... Come meet us in person and learn more.
Or call 646-242-7621 and we'll be happy to answer any questions
While acupuncture is known for its ability to improve all conditions due to its inherently anti-inflammatory there are certain fields of medicine in which it thrives more than others. Fertility and obstetrics are one of them. Although it wasn’t one of my biggest passions coming out of school, the approximately 100 treatments I gave my wife during her pregnancy, right up until during delivery, got me excited about how much we can help, not just Mom, but the health of the new baby as well.
Getting pregnant is one of our most natural bodily functions, so it stands to reason that natural medicine would help with facilitating it. We are honored to serve as your guide towards life’s most special goal.
How We Help You Along Your Fertility Journey
Core Factors Assessment
We do a complete assessment to determine what might be imbalanced, as well as a systems review to understand your underlying pattern
Simple Plan of Attack
Having an amazing pregnancy does not have to be difficult. We'll determine a clear, concise treatment plan that will absolve you of any guess work.
Fertility Acupuncture
We use proven acupuncture techniques to regulate hormones and increase healthy blood flow through the uterus.
Targeted Internal Medicine
With the proper combination of simple dietary modifications and specified herbal supplements, we can improve fertility by up to 80%
Ensure Lasting Results
Once having achieved gestation, we can support whatever pains or discomforts you have throughout your pregnancy, and help to ensure a smooth, healthy delivery.
** Individual results may vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied. Your results will depend on many factors.**
Before you give up or lose hope, even before you resort to hormonal intervention or other exhausting and expensive methods, we recommend opening to the idea that you might only need some specifically guided restorative circulation, to not only get pregnant, but also to have a perfectly healthy pregnancy.
Your initial consultation is FREE... Come meet us in person and learn more.
Or call 646-242-7621 and we'll be happy to answer any questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Does it hurt?
Acupuncture needles are the thinnest, most gentle needles in the world. Upon insertion you will most likely feel nothing, after which you may or may not feel a slight pressure point or nerve sensation to initiate the body’s natural anti-inflammatory mechanism.
Have you cured this before?
Of course. Every case is different, so there is never any guarantee of results, but this area is one of our specialties in which we’ve seen consistent improvement as well as full resolutions from consistent acupuncture.
What are the needles doing?
When it comes to fertility, acupuncture excels at stimulating uterine pathways in a way that increases blood flow to precisely where it is most needed.
Will I be on a lot of supplements forever?
No. With herbal medicine we try to use the bare minimum to elicit maximum results and do not expect or desire for patients to be reliant on them in perpetuity. Supplements are very rarely needed for cases of exclusively musculoskeletal pain.
How long do I have to come to see results?
A standard course of fertility treatment is 3 months. HOWEVER, in less challenging cases we are OK with couples beginning to try after two months. Patience is key, as we intend not only to get pregnant, but to remain pregnant, and have the perfect nine months to follow.
Are these treatments safe?
Definitely. Acupuncture is considered to be one of the safest modalities in existence, with at worst the very occasional, mild soreness or bruise at the site of a point. As for herbal medicine, although it is BASED ON an ancient Chinese pharmacopeia, the products we actually USE & PRESCRIBE are harvested here in the U.S., mostly in California, Oregon, or upstate New York
** Individual results may vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied. Your results will depend on many factors.**

These were two of my wife, Dr. Jillian Cohen’s close to literally 100 acupuncture treatments she had throughout our first pregnancy.
38 weeks on the left as we prepared for delivery.
30 weeks on the right as she dealt with some simple TMJ discomfort while admirably avoiding using her plastic night guard throughout the pregnancy.

Your initial consultation is FREE... Come meet us in person and learn more.
Or call 646-242-7621 and we'll be happy to answer any questions

New York, NY 10010